Patient Column Display Fields (User)

Patient Column Display Fields comprise the patient information that system administrators make available to users during the program's setup. Select which fields you want to use as patient column headers.

To configure patient column display fields:

  1. Do either of the following to open Preferences:
    1. Click the Presets and Preferences icon on the scheduling grid
    2. Click the Preferences link in the top right corner of the main screen
  2. Select Display Fields from the side menu.
  3. Locate the Patient Column Display Fields panel on the User Display Fields Preferences screen.
  4. Scroll through the list of fields in the Available panel, and then double-click any that you wish to use. This will move it to the Assigned list.
  5. Remove a field from the Assigned panel by double-clicking the description. This will move it back to the Available panel. Be sure to click Save once the changes are complete.

  6. Repeat as necessary.
  7. In general, more than 3 column headings starts to become impractical because of the effect on the grid display. Balance your information needs with the scheduling workflow on the grid.

  8. Click the description of a display field and then use the Up and Down buttons to adjust the order in which it appears in the list. The order establishes the display in the column..
  9. Click Save to complete the configuration. Click the Revert button any time during the configuration process to return the data to a state when it was last saved.

Key Considerations